Friday, 27 January 2012

Designing Websites (Olli Timmins Thursday)

we created our own website, which were very simple and just helped us get used to using dreamweaver.

this is me using dreamweaver and placing the colours on the index page before making them clickable links!
this is the toolbar used to create the link entering in the 'link' tab where you wanted it to link to or drag it to the link which is in the sidebar.

this was then my finished page and all the colour boxes were made clickable.

a view of the page after clicking the 'green' box.

this was my second page which had image as links and also the banner below also has a link to through clicking on the shop now button!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Start of CP2

We were given our module hand book and spoke through it discusses what we had to do throughout the project and dates of trips etc

we were told to find out what would be put in to a business plan as this is what were working on first.
After searching the internet I came across a couple websites with business plans on...

Below is a list i got from a website about business plans

  • Detailed description of the business and its goals
  • Ownership and legal structure
  • Skills and experience brought into the business
  • Your competitive advantage
  • Products and services offered
  • Customer demand
  • Market size and location
  • Advertising and marketing plan
  • Pricing strategy
  • Amount and source of start-up funds
  •  Expected cash-flow for the first year
  • Projected income statements and balance sheets for the first two years
  • Your break-even point
  • Personal methods of compensation
  • How you will maintain accounting records and procedures
  • Daily management
  • Hiring and personnel policies
  • Insurance coverage and leasing agreements
  • Delivery of products and services

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Visual Communication

Here is my picture of my route to university in the morning.

Here is my picture of instructions on how to make a drink.

Moving Image

Unfortunately due to illness I wasn't able to attend this class but I caught up with a fellow student a research the areas that were covered.

Arrival of Train at La Ciotat was the first ever moving image in 1895 created by the Lumiere Brothers, the film was directed via photography.

Final Cut Pro

Here is a youtube video of a tutorial on 'Final Cut Pro' 

Research into Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft Powerpoint, this program is very useful and comes in handy to pretty much any user of a computer but especially can be useful for Students, Teachers and Business personal.

This program allows you to align and organise a group of information in to separate slides and be able to present.

Powerpoint offers all different types of templates to make it easier for non-computer users to spice up there presentation and make it more visually pleasing.

Microsoft Powerpoint is well known for its easy to use design and being so user friendly, its so effective as it allows people to communicate through slide shows and break down idea's and there thought process's, in graphic design especially it is widely used during pitches to companies in meetings.

Photo Manipulation

This was originally a photo of a man and his son standing on a race track, I first attempted to use the 'spot healing tool' to edit them out of the photo but because of the size of them on the image it didn't work so I used to clone and stamp tool instead, and the results are below

this is the finished result of getting rid of the two people which left a slight mess in the middle but this wasn't really an issue as I was placing a car there.

this is the car I am going to place in the above image which and I selected the whole car by using the pen tool and then ctrl + right clicking and selecting 'make selection'

this is the car placed on to the first image after i blurred the edges to blend it in to the new photo.

I then played with the colours on the image to alter the car by using the 'hue/saturation' tool. It didn't work well because I had edited the photo previously with other tools.

This was the final image I ended up with.

Artist Statement

Artist Statement
Kristian Miller
As a designer I pride myself on being an innovative thinker, I have inspirations through my designs but they usually don’t lie with other graphic designers I am creative in my thinking through clothing, music and art I notice everywhere, I am always dipping into other sectors to look for a break through in graphic design. I previously worked for a graphic design company prior to being a university student this made me much more aware to the thought processes put in to design and the creative freedom I had to obtain to better myself. In all of my projects I like to always connect myself personally to it and learn a lot about what I’m working with so I can become very creative and passionate about the project.  my creative path consist of approaching each project in different ways, I always attempt the less likely possibilities which can sometimes work, this helps me keep my ideas new and fresh, by always insuring I have a personal attachment to each project I have developed a trademark of creativeness through my dedication to typography and clean designs, I also believe that with great creativity comes simplicity as I feel art should always be able to leave an instant impression!

60 Second Pitch

60 second pitch
“hi my names Kristian miller, I’m here today to talk to you all about the iPhone 4 and why I recommend as a university student that you buy one, now I don’t need to list to you the thousands of apps you can download but if I simply tell you that you can access your course materials through your phone, anywhere! I can tell I would already be making it so much easier for you, not only that you can sync your university calendar to your phone so any important days that you get through blackboard sync instantly to your phone!!

Having icloud or dropbox are also massively handy tools for importing and exporting files to and from a computer, aswell as these amazingly specific apps that can help you through university, since over the last 4 yours there has apple has only released the iphone and udated it 3 times you can be assured that they spend a lot of time perfecting it and making it reliable for each and every customer!! ”