Wednesday, 11 January 2012

60 Second Pitch

60 second pitch
“hi my names Kristian miller, I’m here today to talk to you all about the iPhone 4 and why I recommend as a university student that you buy one, now I don’t need to list to you the thousands of apps you can download but if I simply tell you that you can access your course materials through your phone, anywhere! I can tell I would already be making it so much easier for you, not only that you can sync your university calendar to your phone so any important days that you get through blackboard sync instantly to your phone!!

Having icloud or dropbox are also massively handy tools for importing and exporting files to and from a computer, aswell as these amazingly specific apps that can help you through university, since over the last 4 yours there has apple has only released the iphone and udated it 3 times you can be assured that they spend a lot of time perfecting it and making it reliable for each and every customer!! ”

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