Thursday 29 March 2012

Visit- Dan Grzonka

Dan Grzonka came in from Brond; a graphic design company based in bristol.

He showed us a presentation and through my notes I established the parts I thought were most influential for me.

Why do you want to design? Which is a good question when taking on a degree, understanding why you wanted to do it in the first place, can help motivate you and keep you being innovative through out.

He gave us a few tips in his thoughts on being s good designer;
- Be yourself
- Be original
- Be interesting

Always do as much as you can to learn, also in interviews always be interactive don't allow your work to sit there you must have a story behind what you did and how!

Be specific on what you want to do and where you want to go, don't settle for second best! When going for a job that you want double back and make sure that you get your portfolio checked by a various amount of people.

How to get a job?

Be prepared
Business cards (create business cards for all times and all interactions)
Be active (personal projects will boost portfolio)
Never submit unfinished work into a portfolio!

Communication skills are a must!

Be enthusiastic and make sure u ring energy.

Have an opinion and talk your ideas.

Good attitude, show your skills and ability. Try new things and expand on your skills.

Always carry work with you, whether it's a small portfolio or whether it's on a portable hard drive.

What designers have?
Life experience - incorporate this in to your work, it makes your work more personal.

Be 100% honest


Make sure you are the hardest worker!!

"knowledge leads to good design"

Every angle of something your designing needs to be thought through and research!

Design is everywhere you look!

Trust your initial thoughts when designing something and run your designs passed someone who doesn't know anything about design! (different prospective)

Friday 16 March 2012

London Visit

I didn't manage to attend the viewing at the V&A so I went for a look around london, there was a lot to find inspirational such as all the type used around and the advertisements used.

I went to a store called 'Trapstar' and 'Supreme' which are personal inspirations.

Here are two examples of there logo's that they use on there clothing, this was very insertional to me as I would like to put my own designs to clothing at some point.

they have a tagline 'its a secret' which helps them to be able to keep themselves known for there exclusivity in there clothing.

the founders also keep themselves unknown in the advertisements for them and up to know the average person wouldn't know who runs it, the owner also quoted that he heard some question him for wearing 'trapstar clothing' on oxford street with out knowing he was the founder! 

Friday 27 January 2012

Designing Websites (Olli Timmins Thursday)

we created our own website, which were very simple and just helped us get used to using dreamweaver.

this is me using dreamweaver and placing the colours on the index page before making them clickable links!
this is the toolbar used to create the link entering in the 'link' tab where you wanted it to link to or drag it to the link which is in the sidebar.

this was then my finished page and all the colour boxes were made clickable.

a view of the page after clicking the 'green' box.

this was my second page which had image as links and also the banner below also has a link to through clicking on the shop now button!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Start of CP2

We were given our module hand book and spoke through it discusses what we had to do throughout the project and dates of trips etc

we were told to find out what would be put in to a business plan as this is what were working on first.
After searching the internet I came across a couple websites with business plans on...

Below is a list i got from a website about business plans

  • Detailed description of the business and its goals
  • Ownership and legal structure
  • Skills and experience brought into the business
  • Your competitive advantage
  • Products and services offered
  • Customer demand
  • Market size and location
  • Advertising and marketing plan
  • Pricing strategy
  • Amount and source of start-up funds
  •  Expected cash-flow for the first year
  • Projected income statements and balance sheets for the first two years
  • Your break-even point
  • Personal methods of compensation
  • How you will maintain accounting records and procedures
  • Daily management
  • Hiring and personnel policies
  • Insurance coverage and leasing agreements
  • Delivery of products and services

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Visual Communication

Here is my picture of my route to university in the morning.

Here is my picture of instructions on how to make a drink.

Moving Image

Unfortunately due to illness I wasn't able to attend this class but I caught up with a fellow student a research the areas that were covered.

Arrival of Train at La Ciotat was the first ever moving image in 1895 created by the Lumiere Brothers, the film was directed via photography.

Final Cut Pro

Here is a youtube video of a tutorial on 'Final Cut Pro'