Wednesday 25 January 2012

Start of CP2

We were given our module hand book and spoke through it discusses what we had to do throughout the project and dates of trips etc

we were told to find out what would be put in to a business plan as this is what were working on first.
After searching the internet I came across a couple websites with business plans on...

Below is a list i got from a website about business plans

  • Detailed description of the business and its goals
  • Ownership and legal structure
  • Skills and experience brought into the business
  • Your competitive advantage
  • Products and services offered
  • Customer demand
  • Market size and location
  • Advertising and marketing plan
  • Pricing strategy
  • Amount and source of start-up funds
  •  Expected cash-flow for the first year
  • Projected income statements and balance sheets for the first two years
  • Your break-even point
  • Personal methods of compensation
  • How you will maintain accounting records and procedures
  • Daily management
  • Hiring and personnel policies
  • Insurance coverage and leasing agreements
  • Delivery of products and services

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