Wednesday 11 January 2012

Photo Manipulation

This was originally a photo of a man and his son standing on a race track, I first attempted to use the 'spot healing tool' to edit them out of the photo but because of the size of them on the image it didn't work so I used to clone and stamp tool instead, and the results are below

this is the finished result of getting rid of the two people which left a slight mess in the middle but this wasn't really an issue as I was placing a car there.

this is the car I am going to place in the above image which and I selected the whole car by using the pen tool and then ctrl + right clicking and selecting 'make selection'

this is the car placed on to the first image after i blurred the edges to blend it in to the new photo.

I then played with the colours on the image to alter the car by using the 'hue/saturation' tool. It didn't work well because I had edited the photo previously with other tools.

This was the final image I ended up with.

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