Wednesday 11 January 2012

Press Release

Artist Press Release
Colston Hall, Bristol, United Kingdom
Hattie’s Fashion Frenzee 

Harriet South is a university student studying Fashion at UWE and is hosting her first ever fashion show at ‘The Colston Hall’, she completely works freelance. She is a very creative person with a lot to offer anyone who enjoys exciting and original art! As she is still a student people will really question her experience in the fashion industry but this could possibly be the thing that sets her apart from anyone else and makes her so free spirited is that she doesn’t know a lot about how others work which can help her to create her very own unique style.
Her style of work is very unique she mixes a lot of different styles and expresses her creativeness a lot through colour and cultural styles, Harriet personally doesn’t agree with animal’s being used for fashion so she doesn’t involve any materials that are made by animals, she has upcoming events over the next couple months which will definitely be interesting as she gains experience in exhibitions her work will go from strength to strength.

For information on exhibitions and purchases please contact:

Harriet South
Mobile : 07838293102

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